Contact WACUBOWACUBO is a professional organization and does not have any employees of its own. Our work is made possible by our volunteers and through administrative support provided by SBI Association Management. SBI serves many other local, national, and international nonprofit associations.
Please make sure to add our email to your institution's safe senders list!WACUBO ContactsLouise Miller, MA, CAE – Executive Director Contact the WACUBO Office for registration for upcoming events, marketing inquiries, email list subscriptions, changes in contact information and password reminders. Board of DirectorsA list of the WACUBO Board of Directors can be found on our association's website. Committees A list of the WACUBO committees can be found on our association's website. Membership QuestionsIf you have any questions about membership, contact NACUBO Member Services at (202) 861-2560 or by email at [email protected] |